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четверг, 6 октября 2016 г.

Ищу варианты jekyll -> hexo - ejs, Gulp - Panini - handlebars ? Liquid!???

Пора начинать упражнения с шаблонизаторами. Но с чего начинать. Есть hexo (ejs, swig), но выбор тем пока невелик, есть Jekyll (handlebars) с большим выбором готовых тем, но тратить время на Ruby не могу, есть Gulp Panini (handlebars), который мне очень понравился, но надо будет к hexo прикручивать плагин handlebars. Не проще ли освоить и embeddedjs, и handlebars, а потом и SWIG, jade между делом... Бааа, да в Jekyll оказывается используется Liquid... Пробую прикрутить плагин hexo-renderer-liquid Hexo, но обнаруживаю, что в Jekyll слишком много своих хелперов... Нет, проще освоить EJS... Бросаю это дело на engine.registerFileSystem Так что здесь только 15 ссылок... и обрывок кода о renderer.Engine

style="float:left; margin-right:10px;" andlebars renderer plugin for Hexo With this plugin you can use the handlebars to render your theme. For Hexo 3.x
Jekyll 3 and Foundation 6 The following tutorial goes through the process of adding Foundation to a Jekyll website and having Jekyll automatically build all the necessary assets. It uses Jekyll 3.0.1 and Foundation 6
EJS DOCS "E" is for "effective." EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. No religiousness about how to organize things. No reinvention of iteration and control-flow. It's just plain JavaScript.
Embedded JavaScript templates github
Try EJS online

Feeling Responsive github exellent examples of handlebars templates
Feeling Responsive is a flexible theme for Jekyll built on Foundation framework. You can use it for your company site, as a portfolio or as a blog.

hexo-theme-jekyll/layout/ with jade templates
jekyll-foundation-6-starter github with simplest handlebars and gulpfile.js
jekyll-foundation-6-starter white pure example page
jekyll-foundation githubwith gulpfile.js and gulp folder require('require-dir') plugin. And 6 handlebars templates.

Gulp, Jekyll and GitHub After more than a year with Jekyll, I’ve settled into a workflow that allows me to spin up and develop new sites really quickly with the help of gulp.
Using Gulp with Jekyll I’m a fan of Jekyll. Combine it with GitHub Pages and you get a free blog that can handle tons of traffic.

Liquid code can be categorized into objects, tags, and filters. Jekyll even adds a few handy filters and tags of its own to make common tasks easier.
Jekyll uses the Liquid templating languageJekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. All of the standard Liquid tags and filters are supported.
MIGRATING FROM JEKYLL TO HEXO: PART 2 Here, I'll outline specific issues we tackled during the process of migrating and converting to our own theme.

Hello! Looking to make the move from Jekyll to Hexo but want to keep the templating system, which led me here.

the move from Jekyll to Hexo Documentation clarification / possible forloop issue

In [ ]:
var Liquid = require("liquid-node");
var renderer = require('hexo-renderer-liquid');
var engine = renderer.Engine;

engine.registerFileSystem(new Liquid.LocalFileSystem("./views"));

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