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вторник, 3 мая 2016 г.

Устанавливаем jekyll с GitHub ... там есть Bandler c большим Gemfile

Приходит понимание того, что "все эти жжжжж неспроста"... bower, bundler... Ранее я наустанавливал гемы sass, kompass, jekyll, foudation разными способами. Все худо-бедно работало. Потом я не мог понять, почему сервер Jekyll не обновляется... и решил установить Jekyll с GitHub... И здесь повыскакивали ошибки, да такие, что в следующих постах я переустановлю Ruby

Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed.
the wdm gem is not compatible with Ruby 2.2According to this answer on Stack Overflow, the wdm gem is not compatible with Ruby 2.2. Installing it will fail.

This introduces some issues on Windows, becuase jekyll serve is no longer polling for changes (as indicated by the warning message telling you to use wdm).

For the protocol, here is the lengthy error message that's produced on gem install wdm .

Also there appears to be the possibility to compile the gem on your own with this pull request merged.

Nicolas McCurdy Aug 16 '14 at 3:09 I'm not sure exactly what's causing this issue, but sometimes you can solve issues like this by using a Gemfile with bundle exec. Try putting the gems you need into a Gemfile, and then run bundle exec jekyll serve --watch to only use those gems. –
@parkr parkr added the Question label on May 11 2015 Please search the issues before you post – we have seen this kind of thing before. You'll need to collect debugging issue by running bundle exec jekyll build --watch with LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=1 in your environment. Change a file and collect all output and post here, please.

Со страницы Installation с сайта jekyllrb

If you’d like to install a development version of Jekyll, the process is a bit more involved. This gives you the advantage of having the latest and greatest, but may be unstable.

In [ ]:
$ git clone git://github.com/jekyll/jekyll.git
$ cd jekyll
$ script/bootstrap
$ bundle exec rake build
$ ls pkg/*.gem | head -n 1 | xargs gem install -l

Выполняем команды

In [ ]:
λ git clone git://github.com/jekyll/jekyll.git
Cloning into 'jekyll'...
remote: Counting objects: 44280, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: Total 44280 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 44252
Receiving objects: 100% (44280/44280), 15.37 MiB | 1.30 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (24885/24885), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (462/462), done.


Смотрим, что делают эти файлы

In [ ]:
# %load "F:\\stradorusite\\jekyll\\test_github_1\\jekyll\\script\\bootstrap"
#!/usr/bin/env bash

bundle install -j8
In [ ]:
# %load "F:\\stradorusite\\jekyll\\test_github_1\\jekyll\\script\\branding
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo " ---------------------------------------------------------- "
echo "          _   ______   _  __ __     __  _        _          "
echo "         | | |  ____| | |/ / \ \   / / | |      | |         "
echo "         | | | |__    | ' /   \ \_/ /  | |      | |         "
echo "     _   | | |  __|   |  <     \   /   | |      | |         "
echo "    | |__| | | |____  | . \     | |    | |____  | |____     "
echo "     \____/  |______| |_|\_\    |_|    |______| |______|    "
echo "                                                            "
echo " ---------------------------------------------------------- "
In [4]:
PATH=C:\Users\alter_000\Anaconda\Library\bin;C:\Users\alter_000\Anaconda\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.2-Q16;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Acer\Remote Files\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\gtk2\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\mlt\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenLibraries\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\lenovo\easyplussdk\bin;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Brackets\command;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin;C:\Ruby22\bin;C:\Users\alter_000\Anaconda;C:\Users\alter_000\Anaconda\Scripts;C:\Users\alter_000\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\alter_000\AppData\Local\atom\bin;C:\Users\alter_000\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd

Ниже мои первые эксперименты с jekyll и bundle, после которых пришлось все же сесть за изучение матчасти Ruby

In [ ]:
F:\stradorusite\foundation\jekyll\jekyll-foundation>jekyll serve
Configuration file: F:/stradorusite/foundation/jekyll/jekyll-foundation/_config.yml
            Source: F:/stradorusite/foundation/jekyll/jekyll-foundation
       Destination: F:/stradorusite/foundation/jekyll/jekyll-foundation/_site
 Incremental build: enabled
                    done in 0.949 seconds.
  Please add the following to your Gemfile to avoid polling for changes:
    gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for 'F:/stradorusite/foundation/jekyll/jekyll-foundation'
Configuration file: F:/stradorusite/foundation/jekyll/jekyll-foundation/_config.yml
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
[2016-05-03 19:14:42] ERROR `/assets/css/app.css' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:14:42] ERROR `/assets/js/all.js' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:14:42] ERROR `/assets/img/icons/favicon.ico' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:14:42] ERROR `/assets/img/icons/favicon.ico' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:15:43] ERROR `/assets/css/app.css' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:15:43] ERROR `/assets/js/all.js' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:15:43] ERROR `/favicon.ico' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:15:43] ERROR `/favicon.ico' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:16:00] ERROR `/assets/css/app.css' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:16:00] ERROR `/assets/js/all.js' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:17:17] ERROR `/assets/js/all.js' not found.
[2016-05-03 19:17:17] ERROR `/assets/css/app.css' not found.

Getting started with bundler is easy! Open a terminal window and run this command:

In [ ]:
F:\stradorusite\jekyll\test_jek_1>gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.12.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.12.1
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.12.1
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.12.1
Done installing documentation for bundler after 18 seconds
1 gem installed
In [ ]:
F:\stradorusite\jekyll\test_jek_1>bundle init
Writing new Gemfile to F:/stradorusite/jekyll/test_jek_1/Gemfile


Install all of the required gems from your specified sources:

In [ ]:
$ bundle install
$ git add Gemfile Gemfile.lock
In [ ]:
#Specify your dependencies in a Gemfile in your project's root: 
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'nokogiri'
gem 'rack', '~>1.1'
gem 'rspec', :require => 'spec'
In [ ]:
 bundle exec jekyll build --watch  with  LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=1 

Вот такой gemfile был создан по команде F:\stradorusite\jekyll\test_jek_1>bundle init

In [ ]:
# %load F:\\stradorusite\\jekyll\\test_jek_1\\gemfile

# frozen_string_literal: true
# A sample Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"

# gem "rails"
In [ ]:
F:\stradorusite\jekyll\test_jek_1>bundle help
BUNDLE(1)                                                            BUNDLE(1)

       bundle - Ruby Dependency Management

       bundle COMMAND [--no-color] [--verbose] [ARGS]

       Bundler  manages  an application's dependencies through its entire life
       across many machines systematically and repeatably.

       See the bundler website http://bundler.io for  information  on  getting
       started, and Gemfile(5) for more information on the Gemfile format.

              Prints all output without color

              Prints out additional logging information

       We divide bundle subcommands into primary commands and utilities.

       bundle install(1) bundle-install.1.html
              Install the gems specified by the Gemfile or Gemfile.lock

       bundle update(1) bundle-update.1.html
              Update dependencies to their latest versions

       bundle package(1) bundle-package.1.html
              Package  the  .gem  files  required by your application into the
              vendor/cache directory

       bundle exec(1) bundle-exec.1.html
              Execute a script in the context of the current bundle

       bundle config(1) bundle-config.1.html
              Specify and read configuration options for bundler

       bundle help(1)
              Displays detailed help for each subcommand

       bundle check(1)
              Determine whether the  requirements  for  your  application  are
              installed and available to bundler

       bundle list(1)
              Show all of the gems in the current bundle

       bundle show(1)
              Show the source location of a particular gem in the bundle

       bundle outdated(1)
              Show all of the outdated gems in the current bundle

       bundle console(1)
              Start an IRB session in the context of the current bundle

       bundle open(1)
              Open an installed gem in the editor

       bundle lock(1)
              Generate a lockfile for your dependencies

       bundle viz(1)
              Generate a visual representation of your dependencies

       bundle init(1)
              Generate a simple Gemfile, placed in the current directory

       bundle gem(1) bundle-gem.1.html
              Create a simple gem, suitable for development with bundler

       bundle platform(1) bundle-platform.1.html
              Displays platform compatibility information

       bundle clean(1)
              Cleans up unused gems in your bundler directory

       When  running a command that isn't listed in PRIMARY COMMANDS or UTILI-
       TIES, Bundler will try  to  find  an  executable  on  your  path  named
       bundler-<command>  and  execute it, passing down any extra arguments to

       These commands are obsolete and should no longer be used

       o   bundle cache(1)

                                  April 2016                         BUNDLE(1)
In [ ]:
F:\stradorusite\jekyll\test_jek_1>jekyll help
jekyll 3.1.2 -- Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby


  jekyll <subcommand> [options]

        -s, --source [DIR]  Source directory (defaults to ./)
        -d, --destination [DIR]  Destination directory (defaults to ./_site)
            --safe         Safe mode (defaults to false)
        -p, --plugins PLUGINS_DIR1[,PLUGINS_DIR2[,...]]  Plugins directory (defaults to ./_plugins)
            --layouts DIR  Layouts directory (defaults to ./_layouts)
            --profile      Generate a Liquid rendering profile
        -h, --help         Show this message
        -v, --version      Print the name and version
        -t, --trace        Show the full backtrace when an error occurs

  build, b              Build your site
  clean                 Clean the site (removes site output and metadata file) without building.
  doctor, hyde          Search site and print specific deprecation warnings
  help                  Show the help message, optionally for a given subcommand.
  new                   Creates a new Jekyll site scaffold in PATH
  serve, server, s      Serve your site locally
In [ ]:
F:\stradorusite\jekyll\test_jek_1>gem -h
RubyGems is a sophisticated package manager for Ruby.  This is a
basic help message containing pointers to more information.

    gem -h/--help
    gem -v/--version
    gem command [arguments...] [options...]

    gem install rake
    gem list --local
    gem build package.gemspec
    gem help install

  Further help:
    gem help commands            list all 'gem' commands
    gem help examples            show some examples of usage
    gem help gem_dependencies    gem dependencies file guide
    gem help platforms           gem platforms guide
    gem help <COMMAND>           show help on COMMAND
                                   (e.g. 'gem help install')
    gem server                   present a web page at
                                 with info about installed gems
  Further information:

<div id="fileHeader">
  <form class="headerSearch" name="headerSearchForm" method="get" action="/rdoc">
    <div id="search" style="float:right">
      <label for="q">Filter/Search</label>
      <input id="q" type="text" style="width:10em" name="q"></input>
      <button type="submit" style="display:none"></button>

  <h1>RubyGems Documentation Index</h1>
<!-- banner header -->


There are 36 gems installed:

bigdecimal, bundler, bundler, chunky_png, colorator, compass, compass-core, compass-import-once, ffi, io-console, jekyll, jekyll-paginate, jekyll-sass-converter, jekyll-sitemap, jekyll-watch, json, kramdown, liquid, listen, mercenary, minitest, multi_json, power_assert, psych, rake, rb-fsevent, rb-inotify, rdoc, rouge, rubygems, rubygems-update, safe_yaml, sass, test-unit, wdm, zurb-foundation.


bigdecimal 1.2.6 [rdoc] [www]
Arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number library.

bundler 1.12.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on automatiek, mustache, rake, rdiscount, ronn, rspec.
The best way to manage your application's dependencies
Executables are bundle, bundler.

bundler 1.12.1 [rdoc] [www] - depends on automatiek, mustache, rake, rdiscount, ronn, rspec.
The best way to manage your application's dependencies
Executables are bundle, bundler.

chunky_png 1.3.5 [rdoc] [www] - depends on rake, rspec.
Pure ruby library for read/write, chunk-level access to PNG files

colorator 0.1 [rdoc] [www] - depends on rake, rspec.
String core extensions for terminal coloring.

compass 1.0.3 [rdoc] [www] - depends on chunky_png, compass-core, compass-import-once, rb-fsevent, rb-inotify, sass.
A Real Stylesheet Framework
Executable is compass.

compass-core 1.0.3 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, multi_json, rake, sass.
The Compass core stylesheet library

compass-import-once 1.0.5 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, diff-lcs, rake, sass, sass-globbing.
Speed up your Sass compilation by making @import only import each file once.

ffi 1.9.10 [rdoc] [www] - depends on rake, rake-compiler, rake-compiler-dock, rspec, rubygems-tasks.
Ruby FFI

io-console 0.4.3 [rdoc] [www]
Console interface

jekyll 3.1.2 [rdoc] [www] - depends on colorator, jekyll-sass-converter, jekyll-watch, kramdown, liquid, mercenary, rouge, safe_yaml.
A simple, blog aware, static site generator.
Executable is jekyll.

jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, jekyll, rake, rspec.
Built-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll

jekyll-sass-converter 1.4.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, jekyll, rake, rspec, sass.
A basic Sass converter for Jekyll.

jekyll-sitemap 0.10.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, jekyll, jekyll-last-modified-at, rake, rspec.
Automatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Jekyll site.

jekyll-watch 1.3.1 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, jekyll, listen, rake, rspec, rubocop.
Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes with the `--watch` switch.

json 1.8.1 [rdoc] [www]
This json is bundled with Ruby

kramdown 1.10.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on coderay, itextomml, minitest, prawn, ritex, rouge, stringex.
kramdown is a fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter.
Executable is kramdown.

liquid 3.0.6 [rdoc] [www] - depends on minitest, rake.
A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.

listen 3.0.6 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, rb-fsevent, rb-inotify.
Listen to file modifications
Executable is listen.

mercenary 0.3.5 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, rake, rspec.
Lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in Ruby.

minitest 5.4.3 [rdoc] [www] - depends on hoe, rdoc.
minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking

multi_json 1.11.2 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler.
A common interface to multiple JSON libraries.

power_assert 0.2.2 [rdoc] [www] - depends on rake, simplecov, test-unit.
Power Assert for Ruby

psych 2.0.8 [rdoc] [www]
Psych is a YAML parser and emitter

rake 10.4.2 [rdoc] [www]
This rake is bundled with Ruby
Executable is rake.

rb-fsevent 0.9.7 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, guard-rspec, rspec.
Very simple & usable FSEvents API

rb-inotify 0.9.7 [rdoc] [www] - depends on ffi, yard.
A Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI

rdoc 4.2.0 [rdoc] [www]
This rdoc is bundled with Ruby
Executables are rdoc, ri.

rouge 1.10.1 [rdoc] [www]
A pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments
Executable is rougify.

rubygems 2.6.2 [rdoc] [www]
RubyGems itself
Executable is gem.

rubygems-update 2.6.2 [rdoc] [www] - depends on builder, hoe, hoe-seattlerb, minitest, rake, rdoc, ZenTest.
RubyGems is a package management framework for Ruby
Executable is update_rubygems.

safe_yaml 1.0.4 [rdoc] [www]
SameYAML provides an alternative implementation of YAML.load suitable for accepting user input in Ruby applications.
Executable is safe_yaml.

sass 3.4.21 [rdoc] [www] - depends on maruku, minitest, yard.
A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again.
Executables are sass, sass-convert, scss.

test-unit 3.0.8 [rdoc] [www] - depends on bundler, kramdown, packnga, power_assert, rake, yard.
An xUnit family unit testing framework for Ruby.

wdm 0.1.1 [rdoc] [www] - depends on guard-rspec, guard-shell, pry, rake-compiler, rspec.
Windows Directory Monitor (WDM) is a threaded directories monitor for Windows.

zurb-foundation 4.3.2 [rdoc] [www] - depends on jasmine, rake, sass.
ZURB Foundation on Sass/Compass

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