Так как же работать со стилями? Я снова задаю себе этот вопрос после знакомства с "theming" в Друпал.
Сначала посмотрим пару-тройку "Друпалконов" - часовых обзорных видео с конференций, почитаем статьи (по рекомендациям докладчиков), вроде "Sass techniques and tools"... В этой статье предлагается для работы Compass ...
Кроме того, здесь еще ссылки на сообщества Bootstrap, Foundation...
И после этого, надеюсь, пойму, как работать лучше со стилями ( не только в Drupal).
Published on Oct 28, 2015
With Drupal 8 right around the corner, learn everything you need to know to make the switch. We'll be going over all of the moving parts of the theme layer, best practices, and the little gotchas.
That will include:
Differences between D7 & D8 theme layer File organization Core's markup/styles CEM syntax (aka BEM) Twig Theme's YAML Files We'll be talking more from a 'theming from scratch' perspective more than 'theming off of contrib'.
Drupal Bootstrap base theme The official documentation site for the Drupal Bootstrap base theme
Drupal Bootstrap project
Sass techniques and tools
Live_css with .less support
Creating a Drupal 8 sub-theme
Adding stylesheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) to a Drupal 8 theme
Drupal8 Zymphonies Theme
zymphonies.com Drupal Premium Theme
Bootstrap Business Bootstrap Business for Drupal by More than (just) Themes is based on original design work by AyoThemes. Bootstrap Business lets you create a great-looking corporate/business site.
ZURB Foundation
Foundation Coding Resources Tons of resources to help you build faster. We love our creative, resourceful, active Foundation community.
Jekyll Foundation
Zurb Foundation for sites support for Atom.io Features: •You can use all componentes by just typing their names. •Helper classes are also included by typing their names too..
Theme with animationSmart is incredibly responsive, with a refreshingly clean responsive design and it has some awesome features, panorama sliders, 100+ icons, 50+ social icons, fancybox, isotope, google maps, facebook open graph and many, many more!
Changing Site Appearance This community documentation guide is about changing the look and feel of a Drupal site. The guide covers Drupal 6 & 7 and Drupal 8.
5,6,7Convert any website layout or template into a Drupal theme - easily! Last updated October 24, 2014. Created on September 25, 2008
Quickstart your Jekyll (v3) project with Zurb Foundation for Sites (v6, sass).
This package is meant to build your Site on your local machine.
It provides a Gulp.js workflow with
•Browsersync (live reload and synchronised browser testing)
•Concatenation and minification of CSS and JavaScript files
•Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames for production builds
•Proper browser caching
•Asset management is done by Bower (and Composer if you need serverside libraries)
•Deployment with rsync
Some other things that you can do with a theme:
Change layouts, regions, images and fonts.
Hide or display fields based on user role.
Dynamically respond to changes in content or user input.
Modify or replace text (e.g. labels or attributes) and variables generated by modules.
It's also possible to port open source designs between other systems (Joomla! templates, WordPress themes, etc.) and Drupal, or convert any website layout or template into a Drupal theme.
Create a sub-theme. Your own version of a theme (existing or one that you create) that you can modify, while protecting the functionality of the original (base-theme) for update purposes creating a sub-theme.
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